शुक्रवार, 15 अप्रैल 2016

Important One Word Substitution for SSC- CGL, LDC,UDC, CDS

Important One Word Substitution
➡in-charge of museum /pitch:-curator (क्यूरेटर)
➡indifference to pleasure or pain:-
stoicism (वैराग्य)
➡instruments which makes smaller objects larger:- microscope (माइक्रोस्कोप)
➡intentional destruction of racial group :-genocide (नरसंहार)
➡interval between two events:- interlude (अन्तराल)
➡first speech:-maiden (प्रथम)
➡government by a single person:- autocracy (एकतंत्र)
➡government by the gods:- theocracy (थेअक्रसी)
➡government run by a dictator:-
autocracy (एकतंत्र)
➡incapable of being wounded:- invulnerable (अभेद्य)

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