बुधवार, 13 अप्रैल 2016

A List Of Abnormal Fear (One Word Substitution)

One word Substitution

The fear of death:- nicrophobia

The fear of dentist:- dentophobia

The fear of disease:-pathophobia

The fear of foreigners:- xenophobia (विदेशी लोगों को न पसन्द करना)

The fear of height:- acrophobia/aerophobia

The fear of crowd:- ochlophobia

The fear of bathing:-ablutophobia

The fear of snakes:- Ophidiophobia 

The fear of dogs:- Cynophobia

The fear of germs;- Mysophobia

The fear of flying :-Aerophobia

The fear of cancer:- Carcinophobia

The fear of death:-Thanatophobia

The fear of public speaking:- Glossophobia

The fear of being alone:- Monophobia

The fear of failure:- Atychiphobia

The fear of birds:- Ornithophobia

The fear of chickens:- Alektorophobia

The fear of people:- Anthropophobia

The fear of water:- Aquaphobia/hydrophobia

The fear of blood:- Hemophobia

The fear of long words:- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

The fear of the unknown:- Xenophobia

The fear of driving:- Vehophobia

The fear of falling:- Basiphobia

The fear of success( The opposite to the fear of failure) :-Achievemephobia

The fear of God :-Theophobia

The fear of cats:- Ailurophobia

The fear of darkness:- Nyctophobia

The fear of men:- Androphobia

The fear of fear:- Phobophobia

The fear of love:- Philophobia

The fear of sleep:-Somniphobia

The fear of women:- Gynophobia

The fear of bees:- Apiphobia

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